Michael Haines Westgate Ports
Metropolitan Transport Forum
- advocate for inland ports at Altona and Lyndhurst
- we have moved from manufacturing to trade
- the population is growing
- shopping patterns have changed especially with the use of the internet
- objective should be lower emissions per ton for more freight vehicles
- fuel costs are going up
He listed the impediments to rail as being
- freight needs to be moved in batches
- the broad and the standard guage question
- conflict with passenger services
- level crossings
- fixed windows during which rail can run
- 19th century signalling
- limited access and delivery points
- need a high volume to justify
He argued for developing hubs next to freeway and rail
- freight movement from 10 pm to 5 am @ 80 kph on dedicated lanes with no braking or gear change noise
- that freight corridors were more important than the technology viz truck or train